Meet Christine Gray of The Yoga Direction in Fort Lauderdale

Today we’d like to introduce you to Christine Gray.

Christine, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.

I am a Miami native with Bolivian roots. Somewhere during my adolescence, I became heavily addicted to drugs and lost my connection to anything. In my late 20’s, I checked myself into a rehabilitation program & found the 12 steps. Luckily this gave me freedom from the use of drugs; however, I was still lost and needed spiritual redirection. In my mid 30’s I was introduced to yoga and the rest was history! I discovered so much about myself and life. With each day, it just keeps getting better. I decided to start a company where people could wear light fitness/yoga styled clothing with positive affirmations on them so that we could change from within as humans, possessing a more profound understanding of truth. Today I teach yoga as well as sprinkle love to all as I represent the meaning of Love.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?

The biggest struggles have definitely been understanding my purpose while the layers of the spiritual onion are peeled back. I discovered that I had severe inner child/abandonment issues, an eating disorder, and self-worth wounds.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into The Yoga Direction story. Tell us more about the business.

The Yoga Direction is meant to be a one-stop-shop. Where a person has the ability to take an online educational course, yoga/fitness video, buy clothing, follow a group of other independent like-minded business owners, and/or participate alongside us at local festivals and events. We are open & available to all despite of their lifestyle, circumstances or mishaps. We are a hub for those who need love.

I am proud of my integrity as a small business and being of service to all by keeping the price points within a common accessible range & employing other local striving business owners. The Yoga Direction is a movement that wholeheartedly believes in community over competition. That if we share, we thrive.

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?

I do not believe it is luck that has helped my life and/or business. God keeps me surrounded with love & I believe no matter what.

Contact Info:

  • Email:

  • Instagram: @theyogadirection

  • Facebook: the yoga direction


The Yoga Direction — Wellness Retreats and Holistic Healing